Paul Basha, PE, PTOE
Paul has a distinctive reputation for his thorough and detailed analyses, and his ability to solve complicated transportation difficulties. Approximately half of his career has been as a public agency employee and the other half as a private consultant. He has been a valuable resource analyzing and solving transportation problems the past four decades for numerous municipalities including Carefree, Gilbert, Mesa, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Surprise, and Tempe.
Since joining Summit Land Management in 2019, Paul has been instrumental in resolving complex traffic and parking situations for private developments. His traffic and parking analyses for private developments include those within the jurisdictions of Avondale, Buckeye, Casa Grande, Chandler, Glendale, Goodyear, Maricopa, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Queen Creek, Yuma, Maricopa County, and Pinal County. He has developed comprehensive data analyses that quickly and accurately evaluate existing circumstances and potential alternatives.
Paul prepares interconnected database calculations of trip generation and traffic volumes that allow very efficient comparisons of different land uses, different land use sizes, and different accesses. These efficiencies allow quick response to changes in the proposed developments such as number of dwelling units.
One automated system developed by Paul quickly determines the degree of satisfaction of traffic signal and multi-way stop warrant analyses. Because of this programmed system, modifications to the traffic volumes, lane configurations, and speed limits can be instantaneously compared.
Paul has also created calculation methodologies for shared parking models developed by six separate municipal or agency sources. These automated calculations quickly determine required parking space numbers for different land uses and different land use sizes. Paul always recommends the maximum required parking space number as determined from multiple shared parking models. Alternatively, Paul’s analysis process can determine land use and land use size options compatible with the available number of parking spaces. This technique has determined the proper parking space number for several proposed or renovated developments including both resort properties and commercial properties.
Another of these automated analyses is a collision examination system utilizing the Arizona Department of Transportation published statewide collision data. This process quickly identifies the collision manner, vehicle travel directions, vehicle turning movements, driver violations, and injury severities at specific locations. These analyses identify the reasons and driver behaviors that resulted in the collisions, and are highly beneficial in determining mitigation measures.
Paul’s evaluations are data-intensive to ensure analyses validity and future proper operation of street systems and developments. Paul’s approach is to be highly collaborative with clients, other consultants, and jurisdictions to ensure the most successful developments and communities possible.
Paul is a nationally recognized trip generation expert. He served on both the technical and review committees for the 5th Edition of the Parking Generation Manual, the 10th and 11th editions of the Trip Generation Manual, and the 3rd Edition of the Trip Generation Handbook. Paul was personally invited by the Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition review committee chair to join him in presenting the extensively revised Handbook immediately prior to its publication at the 2014 International Conference of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Paul is also available for expert witness testimony in litigation involving traffic collisions. His preference is to assist the defense of public agencies. Early in Paul’s traffic engineering career, he provided analyses for plaintiff litigation resulting from traffic collisions against public agencies. This experience proved invaluable, when he was the Scottsdale Traffic Engineer, in depositions and testimony, while successfully defending similar litigation against the City of Scottsdale. As a consultant more than a dozen years ago, Paul was instrumental in producing a low-dollar settlement of a large-dollar fatal-collision claim against a shopping center owner. Paul was also instrumental in ensuring a proper impact fee assessed by a municipality on a then-recently constructed retail and warehouse facility.
Paul has been since 1996, and continues to be, a Faculty Associate with Arizona State University instructing undergraduate and graduate traffic engineering courses. He also has regularly taught traffic engineering seminars for the Maricopa County Department of Transportation. More than 70 members of the Arizona Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers have studied with Paul’s direction.
Paul is an active member of both the Institute of Transportation Engineers and WTS, Advancing Women in Transportation.
His professional credentials are listed below.
Professional Engineer: Washington – No. 19020; 1981, Arizona – No. 17711; 1984
Professional Traffic Operations Engineer: No. 627; 2000
2006 to 2020 – Faculty Associate, One undergraduate course per year
1996 to 2002 – Faculty Associate, Two undergraduate or graduate courses per year
Arizona Pavements / Materials Conference, 2016 Community Service Award – Academia
WTS Metropolitan Phoenix Chapter, 2016 New Member of the Year
American Council of Engineering Companies of Arizona, 2007 Engineering Educator Award
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Arizona Section, 2007 Distinguished Member Award
Institute of Transportation Engineers District 6 2004 Wayne T. Van Wagoner Award for best ITE Journal Article written by an ITE District 6 member
Scottsdale City Manager Award of Excellence for Actions Based on Integrity, 1990
Institute of Transportation Engineers
WTS, Advancing Women in Transportation
Program Director, 2015
Mentorship Director, 2016 to 2017
“Trip Generation Estimation Methodology”, ITE Journal, October 2021.
“A Study of Collisions with Lead Versus Lag Left-Turn Phasing: Additional Data and Analyses,” ITE Journal, August 2007.
“A Study of Accidents with Lead Versus Lag Left-Turn Phasing,” ITE Journal, May 2003 (with Paul Box).
“A Methodology for Computing Accident Rates,” ITE Journal, May 1993 (with Steve Ramsey).
“Left Turn Queues at Unsignalized Intersections,” ITE Journal, June 1992.
“Sight Distance Analysis at Railway-Highway Intersections,” ITE Journal, April 1985.
Paul has presented at more than 30 international, regional, or state professional conferences; professional luncheons; professional workshops; university engineering student organization meetings; and high school mathematics classes. His most recent presentations include:
“Toward a More Valid Trip Generation Estimation” Institute of Transportation Engineers / International Municipal Signal Association Arizona, Spring Conference, May 2022
“Maximize Trip Generation Estimation Validity” ITE International Annual Meeting, Poster Presentation, July 2021
“Examples of Professional Traffic Engineering Safety Analyses “, Transportation You Presentation to High School Students, Metro Phoenix WTS Chapter, 16 November 2021
“Public Servant versus Private Advocate” Arizona State University ITE Student Chapter, October 2020
“Signing and Striping Analysis and Design Workshop”, Seven-hour Training for Maricopa County Department of Transportation, 18 September 2019
“A Brief History of Transportation in East Phoenix” ACEC Phoenix Chapter, June 2019
“Traffic Control, Traffic Data, and Traffic Calming Workshop”, Seven-hour Training for Maricopa County Department of Transportation, 17 April 2019
Federal Highway Administration Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization Peer Review, September 2015
Transportation Research Board: Pedestrian Safety: 2007 to 2015
Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal; Education, Parking, and Trip Generation; 2012 to Current
2013 Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Technical Meeting
Parking Generation, 5th Edition, Evaluation Committee
Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, Evaluation Committee
Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition, Evaluation Committee
ITE Warehouse Trip Generation Expert Panel